Classic Tan
Classic sunbeds and booths are the go-to option for those preparing for a trip to a sunny destination or planning to spend a lot of time outdoors. Cue pool days, bbq season and plenty of patio time!
Classic tanning equipment is designed for gradual and repeated exposure of skin to UV light. Specifically, the UVB rays present in classic tanning equipment cause increased production and darkening of pigmentation in the skin, which is an adaptive function that helps to promote future resilience to UV exposure, and results in the development of a tan.
Use of classic sunbeds should always be guided by your SMART TAN certified operator and based on individual skin type. A skin type assessment and pre-tan screening (e.g. understanding your tanning goals, discussing recent and upcoming UV exposure, identifying any contraindications) are completed in the salon to develop a customized tanning plan for you.
Prestige (premium laydown)
Max TIme: 10 mins
Sunscape (premium stand-up)
Max Time: 8 mins
SolarForce (laydown)
Max Time: 12 mins
Single tan (drop in)
Minute packages
30 day package (includes 15 tans)
Monthly unlimited package (minimum 3 month commitment)
Upgrades to Ultrabronz available for classic sunbed package holders
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Please note, individuals with Skin Type 1 are NOT recommended to engage in UV tanning because they will ALWAYS burn. Sunless tanning options are a suitable alternative.
Identify your skin type by completing the skin type quiz.
*Eye protection is required for all UV tanning.
Ultrabronz tanning is the perfect option for those wanting fast results, and the satisfaction of achieving visible darkening of their skin tone with as little as 1 session or to maintain an existing tan with minimal effort.
Ultrabronz generated UVA rays cause the melanin (pigmentation) already present in skin to darken, creating an immediately visible tan (results will vary depending on starting skin tone and recent UV exposure).
A skin type assessment must be completed prior to Ultrabronz tanning to rule out individuals with Skin Type 1, who are recommended NOT to engage in any UV tanning. Exposure schedules for Ultrabronz tanning should be guided by your SMART TAN certified operator and customized based on your skin type and tanning goals.
Ulrabronz Laydown
18 mins (flip over half way thru)
Ultrabronz Stand up
10 mins
Single tan (drop in)
Ultrabronz 4, 10, or 20 tan package
Ultrabronz Monthly Packages (minimum 3 month commitment)
Ultrabronz Monthly: 4 Tans
Ultrabronz Platinum Monthly: 8 Tans
See More Here
Please note, due to the filtration of UVB rays in the Ultrabronz tanning equipment, the risk of burning is greatly minimized; however, the skin will not develop resilience to future exposure to outdoor UV light or classic sunbeds. This means; despite a tanned appearance, the protective factors from UVB exposure (melanin production and hardening of the horny outer layer) do not occur. Discuss sunburn prevention with your SMART TAN operator.
*Eye protection is required for all UV tanning.
Ideal for achieving overnight results, with a flawless sunkissed tan. No UV exposure required.
3 Step Treatment Includes:
Perfector - balances pH levels for a deeper, darker, and more even tan.
Catalina Bronzer - delivers cool brown with violet undertones for a deep, rich, island tan.
Moisturizer - provides immediate hydration for the skin; locks-in and deepens color.
Single spray tan (level 2 or 3)
Spray tan trio - 3 pack (level 2 or 3)
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Please speak to our SMART TAN certified staff for instruction on pre-treatment preparation and spray tan aftercare. These important steps will help to maximize the results and longevity of your spray tan.